Yesterday, my sister Jill turned 59. May 10 will usher in my 57th year.
In Aug/ September, we both will be undertaking the walk of our lives, the Camino Santiago Pilgrimage. She is beginning Aug 29/30 in Leon, a 12-14 day walk to Santiago, I, on the other hand, plan on starting earlier on Aug 9 in St Jean Pied du Mont, about 20 days journey up-trail.
This is not a Sunday stroll, nor is it hiking the Himalayas, but a manageable journey that requires much but not a lot from the physical side of the endeavor. What we both are seeking are the unknowns of the mental and social aspects of the pilgrimage.
People have walked this route for many reasons, most associated with faith, some just the physical challenge. Almost everyone is touched in some way. To me, there is something on the Camino that I am searching for. I know that there may be an answer to the questions I have not even asked yet or maybe just an insight.
This website is an example of the change that has been overtaking my life since 2015. I created this "Marketplace" to market the artwork I have created. In 2015, I never would have thought that I would be here, right now, posting a blog about art and the Camino Santiago. In 2015, I was thinking of pursuing a MFA at the age of 53, I was remodeling my house, I was reinventing my life and career. In the process of doing all this, I rediscovered the joy of creation. For too long work and life had been simply "taking care of business", living life by the numbers and a predetermined script it seemed. I started to change the way I think about life. My thoughts started becoming my dreams and I longingly desire to fulfill them. I hope for a clue, a step toward the gratification of these dreams lie on the Camino. I am quite certain of that change is there, I am welcoming it with open arms.